Arming Teachers

Let me start by saying I like guns. They're a lot of fun to shoot. That said, putting more guns in an already dangerous situation is stupid. Let me explain.

Let's say you do arm teachers. There isn't the time or money to train them properly. Now you put them in an active shooter situation. Several possibilities are available. One is the shooter knows that some teachers are armed and these are the first that get shot. Even if you think these untrained teachers are fantastic shots (they won't be), an AR-15 has much better range and stopping power (gun-speak for getting dead). So instead of protecting children, you've gotten dead and you've drawn the shooter to them. Congratulations. The next possibility is requires that you understand that an active shooter situation is highly chaotic. A reasonably smart shooter will place himself in positions that mean if you miss him (and they are always male) you will likely hit an innocent child. 

Congratulations. And, of course, these situations are frequently over in a matter of minutes. If the 'good guy' weapons are in a safe in the principle's office you have zero chance of having any effect. If you're carrying a weapon on you through out the day a couple things come to mind. A sizable number of students will be afraid of you and some number will accidentally shoot themselves. Training is expensive.

Guns are fucking dangerous. We will have fewer gun deaths when there are fewer guns.


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