Awash in Gun Death

I am as saddened\frightened\alarmed as you are that the country I live in is awash in gun death. And frustrated. Because the guaranteed solution is straightforward and easy to understand. All you have to do is follow the lead of any of the rich democracies. Germany would do, or Australia, or the UK. Any of them. None have any thing like the level of violence in this country. I've read that we are a twenty times higher than any of them. And you don't really have to know what the various policy choices are. The idea behind all of them is stone cold simple. And it is this: make it annoying to own a gun. Put hoops into place that are so annoying to jump through that only a small fraction of the population is willing to do it. Anything will do. Annual tax that is half the value of the weapon. Required background checks on all purchases that take two weeks to complete. Required week long training for each weapon, required to repeat every two years. Anything really. 

As for the nut jobs on the right bleating on about how we need more God and fewer violent video games, I've got news. Every other fifteen year old boy on the planet plays Call of Duty. And those rich democracies? They don't have more God. They have less.


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