One of My Heros Died Today
One of my heros died today. Anthony Bourdain. Why a hero? He spoke
his mind. He seemed like the coolest guy on the planet, but frequently
expressed his unease.
Then I wondered who my other heroes are. A few names come to mind. Robert Heinlein, Robin Williams, Christopher Hitchens, Hunter Thompson. Why them? Smart, deeply knowledgeable about the world around them, each in their way gifted in explaining what they see. And perhaps most importantly deeply suspicious of the shallow sentimentality and empty pretentiousness of what passes for much of culture while simultaneously upbeat about our humanness.
Then I wondered who my other heroes are. A few names come to mind. Robert Heinlein, Robin Williams, Christopher Hitchens, Hunter Thompson. Why them? Smart, deeply knowledgeable about the world around them, each in their way gifted in explaining what they see. And perhaps most importantly deeply suspicious of the shallow sentimentality and empty pretentiousness of what passes for much of culture while simultaneously upbeat about our humanness.
I don't think there is any grand conclusion here. I'm just pissed that the world keeps killing my people.
Well, maybe one conclusion. Three of them died by suicide. That old adage about how any thing that doesn't kill you makes you stronger is a Damned Lie.
Well, maybe one conclusion. Three of them died by suicide. That old adage about how any thing that doesn't kill you makes you stronger is a Damned Lie.
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