
There is a problem with Adulting. There is this enormous expectation that when you are interacting with other adulting individuals you have a firm grasp of what you're talking about. And yet evidence suggests that a firm grasp is in short supply. Does this lack motivate folks to intensive courses of study? Does it motivate them to reconsider their positions? Possibly develop a more detailed view? Mostly, no. Indeed in my experience is people double down. They search for rationales of existing positions. They dig deeper and deeper, to the point that it is impossible to back out. This means, in particular, that it is usually pointless to suggest alternate information for consideration.

Does this stop me from arguing about politics and religion? Sadly no. I carry on as I always have. Insisting to everyone that will listen to me that I'm correct.

It seems to me the only way to guard against this is to harbor doubt. The things you think are true might not be, or, at least, your thinking might be unnecessarily limited. This is an uncomfortable position to take. It's possible to take self doubt to pathological levels.


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