Racism, homophobia (and it's sister diseases like transphobia), misogyny, class resentment, and similar afflictions all strike me as more or less the same thing. These diseases are all divisions into US and THEM. Always in these cases US are superior. Superior in all of the aspects. Superior in intellect, superior in morality, superior emotionally. US are law abiding. THEM are law breakers. US are in control of our selves. THEM are unable to control themselves. US are real humans. THEM are deficient, even sub-human. Therefore, it is right and proper for the superior to condemn the inferior. Indeed it is right and proper to enforce secondary status. It is, after all what is deserved for inferior beings. And, of course, the group I'm in is the superior group. Naturally. All the people I surround myself with all agree on this point.
I hope I've made it clear that this kind of thinking is utter garbage.
These imaginary divisions poison all societies. Hatred, ostracism, and death follow. I ask one thing of you and that is this: When you divide yourself into US and THEM are you helping to create a positive structure, or are you adding to the poison?
It is impossible to avoid Saved and Damned in this context. Are you helping or making it worse?
Am I immune from these pervasive divisions? Probably not. These things seep into the social-cultural fabric. They are pervasive, systemic. These things are deeply human.
If you look closely you might guess my tribe. Our patron saint is Cassandra. Our small numbers mean we're first against the wall when the nastiness starts.
I hope I've made it clear that this kind of thinking is utter garbage.
These imaginary divisions poison all societies. Hatred, ostracism, and death follow. I ask one thing of you and that is this: When you divide yourself into US and THEM are you helping to create a positive structure, or are you adding to the poison?
It is impossible to avoid Saved and Damned in this context. Are you helping or making it worse?
Am I immune from these pervasive divisions? Probably not. These things seep into the social-cultural fabric. They are pervasive, systemic. These things are deeply human.
If you look closely you might guess my tribe. Our patron saint is Cassandra. Our small numbers mean we're first against the wall when the nastiness starts.
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