Don't Believe Me

Well no, you don't have to believe me. I'd rather you didn't. It might be better for you, better for all of us, to contribute as little belief to me as you can manage. Why would you want to? There is very little about me to suggest such commitment. There is not much to indicate even slight infallibility.

You know your friends Bill and Joan? I wonder about them. Some of that stuff Bill told you (or was it Joan? Those two are slippery characters) might not be totally true. Or your mother. Your sainted mother. The mother who has cared for you your entire life.  This beacon of light might have fed you some information she didn't carefully vet. It's terrible, I know. Why did this happen? Perhaps you were an unruly child.

And that nice man on the TV. The one with the lovely suit and the amazing silvery hair. He speaks so well. He sounds so comforting. The things he's saying sound so reasonable. Are they?

The worst part, and I know this will come as a shock, is you. Yes, you. You must pay attention. You're a sneaky little bastard, you are. There might be a few things kicking around that old cranium of yours that aren't exactly in accordance with actual reality.

You don't have to believe me. Or your mom. Or yourself. Or Bill. Especially Bill. You don't. But here's the rub. You will have to think. And what's worse, you will have to think about how you think. You will have to think what is good and what is bad. And you will have to think about how you know what is good and what is bad. You are going to have to look at the evidence and decide who is lying to you. This may come as a shock, but a lot of folks don't have your best interests at heart.

This is a nasty island to live on. Trust me. Would I lie to you?

But wait, you're saying. I thought life was going to be all sexy people and intoxicants. Well, there are some down sides. STDs aren't really that much fun.

I know what you're thinking. You're thinking "is this going to be on the final?". Sadly, yes. 


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