Ex Friend

I just had a troubling thing happen. I created an ex-friend. Ex sent an email in which he said he had voted for trump and was currently happy with him. Ex is a college educated, professional and is black. This was my reply:

I am disappointed. I'll think for a while what this means for me.

I'll tell you what I think one time. I assume none of this is news for you.

One of the things I deeply despise in some humans is when they belittle other people. It's disgusting, ugly, hurtful behavior. Our president does it every day of his life. In public. On twitter.

The man is a cretin. Any human this deeply stupid should not be president.

The man is deeply racist. "Shit hole countries" put him on my shit list. Bizarre that this does not matter to you or are you no longer black?

The man is deeply misogynistic. The instant I heard him say "grab'em by the pussy" he became permanent persona non grata. This might not matter to you but I think women are worth while.

The man is homo phobic and trans phobic. Again this might not matter to you. But I don't know why not. Targeting one group of people unfairly means targeting any group of people unfairly is on the table. That might mean you.

The man has a disastrously bad foreign policy. Pissing on our friends is plain stupid. Kissing the asses of dictators is disgusting, stupid, and deeply troubling.

The man has zero understanding of economics. These trade wars are and will hurt millions of Americans. And far from creating jobs it will cause them to be lost. Appallingly stupid.

The man is a con man, a grifter. He made his money engaging in money laundering by selling condos to Russian mobsters.

The wall is a deeply stupid idea. Outrageously expensive and easily defeated.

I don't hold people who like this man in high regard.


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